"Immigrated to U.S. from Dublin. Ship Andes from Liverpool - arrived 5/14/1835 #16 came with #12 Mrs. Catherine Marmion age 32. Occupation - merchant Samuel 7 male Ruben 6 male James 5 male Henry 4 male Eliza 2 female Arrived in Port of Baltimore Included in statement from Capt. J. F. Patten." |
Arthur and Catherine grew up in Mourne, Kilkeel, County Down Northern Ireland in relative comfort, their parents were fairly well off, and were of the working middle class, many merchants, though with the confiscation of lands that comfort was shrinking. Members of both the Marmion and Murphy families were involved in the 1798 rebellion. Catherine, before her marriage to Arthur appears to have been married to a man named William Shaw of New South Wales, Australia. We find no children from this marriage and suspect it was only for a short time and it ended in a legal manner. Sometime in the 1820's Arthur went to Dublin, in 1828 he was a witness for a manslaughter case, where one of the men he was walking with was hit by a Dragoon on his horse and killed the year before. Arthur speaks of comming from the Corn EXchange, the Customs House, so it would seem he was working as an agent then, Dublin was a hub of commerce. Laurence was born in Dubin around this time and Richard was born the next year . Sometime after 1829 Arthur returned to Mourne, County Down and they are at Clonallan when Catherine give birth to James and Henry. In 1933 their first daughter, Jane is born, but it unclear if she is born in Dublin or Mourne. Arthur came to America in 1833, out of Belfast via Liverpool and then on th New York Harbor, before the rest of his family probably to make a place for them, and in 1835 Catheine came with the children. Arthur and Catherine did quite alot of traveling. Arthur traveled from Newry to Kilkeel to Dublin when still in Ireland. View Andes Log. Arthur traveled to New York and St Louis and various other places around the county. Arthur's family grew flax, and had a mill in Ireland, and on lists just recently uncovered we found they won awards for the flax , they also brewed beer and were involved in brandy smuggling operations. Arthur was said to have come to America to expand the family business. He became a real estate and general agent in New Orleans. On the 1840 cnsus he is at home in New Orleans, in a more detailed 1850 census he is listed as a landlord (real estate agent) and there are others listed in the building he has rented to, he us also a general agent in NOLA, which would have made him quite wealthy. Because of the health concerns of the city, the many fevers that swept the city. Catherine and the children (and Arthur) are also listed ar Pass Chriatian, Mississippi, they had visited prior to moving there and had fallen in love with the seaside community. Catherine's sons built her a cottage (later sold to the Rafferty family) on a beach lot she bought with her own $300.00. Catherine and the girls remained there the rest of thier lives. Arthur's niece Mary Macdonnell said that Arthur's brothers all died young, and Arthur was the only son left. Arthur's father James left the Mill in Kilkeel Ireland to his daughter Mary's husband Alexander Macdonnell, the parents of Allan, Mary and Christopher Marmion Macdonnell who later settled in Laredo,Texas, and was one of the leaders in the election day riots which involved a cannon (by the other side). Agnes Liversedge (Arthur's granddaughter) and Mary Macdonnell wrote to each other after Alfred Marmion, James Roger Marmion's son got them in touch with each other. This tells us that all the siblings kept in touch through the early part of 20th century at least. Upon comming to America, according to the Cumerland letter, Arthur and Catherine traveled around the US as well . They lived in Baltimore MD where Mary was born. This is the same area where Arthur's 1st cousin Dr Nicholas Marmion was practicing medicine. There was also some time spent in Indiana prior to Baltimore, though we have yet to find documentation of this. Arthur and Catherine also lived in St Louis, MO, where Arthur's cousin Aurthuir Magenis lived and was listed as an attorney, until finally choosing New Orleans as a home in 1839. Early New Orleans city directories show Arthur as a general agent and a real estate agent on Magazine Street. One of the ad's in a directory showed he had been in business since 1839. The family is in New Orleans in the 1840 census, there it lists Arthur and Catherine with their tenants. In the 1850 Federal Census for Mississippi Arthur, age 60 and Catherine, age 48 are listed. The children living with them at that time included Lawrence, 23, a dragman (fishing with nets); Richard, 21, a cooper (barrel maker), James 20, a baker; Henry 19, no occupation listed Jane E, 17; Mary E, 13; and Elenora Allen, 1 year old (Catherine lived next to the Allen family, who's mother had died and Catherine took Elenora in and raised her) Catherine bought the beach lot with her own funds and her 4 sons built her a cottage on the property. Catherine and her two daughters stayed in Pass Chrisian Mississippi to escape the fevers and the fresh air lent itself to improved health. They stayed in Pass Christian the remainder of their lives and raised their families. Sons Laurence and Richard settled in New Orleans. Laurence became a retail grocer and Richard a policeman. The two youngest sons migrated to Texas, James left first and settled in San Antonio during the Civil War was the commander of the Matagorda Marine Dist, gurarding the Texas in the Gulf, and Henry eventually worked his way to Houston working for the rail road as a carpenter where he raised a sizable family, his son becomming mayor of Houston Heights and grandsons Bishops in the Episcopal Church.. Arthur's sister, or sister in law Ann, came to Pass Christian, from where we do not know and is buried in the tomb. She is on the census with Catherine, along with a W. Marmion (female) who's identity we have yet to uncover. On October 29, 1862 Arthur died a natural death on Casa Cavo Street in New Orleans according to a coroner's report for Orleans Parish. This was when Butler the Beast held the city of New Orleans.It would seem the address on Casa Cavo (Royal St) is that of a Customs House inspector, so in typical Marmion form he was still working up to the end. Where he is buried is not known but it is believed to be in Pass Christian, Mississippi, however there is growing doubts about this Also in 1862, Catherine volunteered her services as a nurse in Culpepper, Virginia during the Civil War. The hospital still stands today and is called the Graffiti House, a red two story frame house located adjacent to the Brandy Station Battlefield. We do not know when Catherine left for Virginia, either before, or after Arthur's death. Then on Aug of 1870, at the age of 70 Catherine contracted Cholera and died. She was in Pass Christian and lived next door to her daughter Jane Marmion Nelson and her husband John Nelson, she is buried in the tomb with the rest of the family. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immigrated to U.S. from Dublin. Ship Andes from Liverpool - arrived 5/14/1835 #16 came with #12 Mrs. Catherine Marmion age 32. Occupation - merchant Samuel 7 male Ruben 6 male James 5 male Henry 4 male Eliza 2 female Arrived in Port of Baltimore Included in statement from Capt. J. F. Patten note: while tha names above are causing questions, they are Laurence and Richard, and the ages, we believe are the most accurate. They fit in much better with letters, locations and family stories. However, this means that birth years on the tree are inaccurate. Census reports are notorious for containing erronious information...we will need to reevaluate this Arthur's parents - James Marmion +Jane Magenis ________________ Catherine's parents- Laurence Murphy +Bridget Murphy (2 different Murphy Families) |
Arthur and Catherine's Story |